๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‚ Itโ€™s my Birthday!! Last memory of my 17th birthday

๐Ÿ˜Hlo everyone, Due to exam rush ,I was not able to post blog for several days. But today, as my birthday๐ŸŽŠ, i thought i would share you about it at the end of the day. So.. ok. Letโ€™s start it ! I would like to share you in a Routine way. So.. I wake at [โ€ฆ]

๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‚ Itโ€™s my Birthday!!


What is the legacy you want to leave behind?

As an Indian citizen i came over so many situation knowing that our parents or grand parents, what they do is, if they don’t actually like something like culture, way of doing something or even opinion, they actually won’t. They will just supress all of it and try adjusting with them without any hesitation.

But then in my generation, we people started sensing all the things in a very rightful way. We always question thing and conclude it. And if we feel like a no , it will definitely a NO. No matter what they think or whatever, we will never be doing things we hate or by compulsion.

It’s finally raining. It’s finally cooling. Calming!.

It’s been a long time I have been waiting for it. Rain!

Without him, it’s was so hard for me, actually in his absence the sun to revenge on me . I really did had concerns and sorrows to tell my rain. But then, the moment he arrived, it soothens me, it calmed me to hell or heaven, that i forget my sorrows and pain that i meant to tell him.Complain him.

He was always the victim of my pain and sorrows. No wonder. Both now and then . He cried with me. Was really a strength for me to move on and reminded me that stepping aside for a short period of time is never meant to be a step back and proved the way to shower in a way more strength ever than before.

Today too, he came for me. He should have promised me that u would come for me, anytime i need him, the need of somebody to hold me, understand and care for my emotions. Atleast he had the patience to watch me and cry with me.

And now that am okay and my mind is made up, h went hoping and promising to see me again . I really miss him..

Worth it?!

We should only spend our energy to those who can only value us and take effort to give it back. And that too , only to the deserved person.

We might have that respect, affection and care for them, but they won’t be planning to give it back , ” not to us” but maybe for somebody the same way we have it for them .

Understanding is much important in a relationship or any relationship. Not regarding that, a person should learn to respect and understand any personality.

Instead of wasting energy and grooving over things that are not meant for us is just a waste of time and energy.

Yes, we might try . Hardly try a lot. To talk. To make understand.

Asking someone to understand ur emotions and thoughts is unworthy unless u r worthy for them.

If you are worthy, there will be no need to ask them to understand u.

When u close ur eyes against those facts of love, u will be can an idiot by people around you, the world.

Instead try letting it go. Let them have happiness and peace that u are denied. Someday, somewhere, as i told in my second last blog ” deep realisation” , there fate will bring up everything. The fair reason.

Just have faith in yourself. You are worthy of it !!

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